Upper Elementary

The Upper Elementary Program


The Upper Elementary classroom is comprised of students in grades 4-6, ages 9yrs-12yrs old. The age grouping in this program is based on Maria Montessori's second plane of development where the students are internally motivated to increase their academic intensity. At this stage, students exhaust certain topics of their choosing and want to learn everything, especially the most bizarre facts. The Upper Elementary environment is a community where the teachers work as guides to help prepare their students for life. They learn how to respectfully debate topics and how to defend their research.

The learning environment is designed to encourage curiosity and to promote the students need for movement throughout the environment as well as in-depth instruction in the areas of mathematics, language, the sciences and cultural areas. The Upper Elementary program allows for the students to develop confidence and self motivation to complete tasks to the best of their ability. A good amount of time is spent guiding the students in the areas of problem solving, respect, and caring for others as well as their community. Student's understanding of mutual respect is strengthened and reinforced in academic work, group activities, community meetings and service. Much of the activities in Upper Elementary take place in small groups or as a whole with students sharing and collaborating together. This helps them find their place within the group and overall within society as a whole.

The day begins at 8:30 AM with a whole group meeting. The morning work cycle then begins where students work independently, are given lessons in small groups or in large groups in an environment conducive to tolerance and respect for others. They are taught how to make decisions regarding their work, and to use their time wisely. They are encouraged to use mistakes as an opportunity for further learning. They have time within the morning work period for independent snack. At noon they have an hour for lunch and recess. The afternoon work cycle is for silent reading, read aloud, cultural lessons and more time for independent work and group projects.

Program Events

The students learn the value of money and budget by shopping for and preparing a full Thanksgiving meal for the school, firemen, police and other local volunteers and community helpers. They also learn public speaking skills by putting on a local Veterans Day celebration.

The students also expand their studies of art, art history, and individual artists, culminating in a school-wide art show at the end of the year. They visit a local greenhouse and purchase a house plant to care for throughout the year, and partner with kindergarten and preschool students as reading buddies all year to foster a love of reading.


Research is a large component of the Upper Elementary class. What sets Montessori apart in the Elementary years—ages 6 – 12—is the individually paced curriculum that challenges children academically and safeguards their well-being and sense of self. Engaging as contributing members of a respectful community, they learn to question, think critically, and take responsibility for their own learning—skills that will support them in later education and in life. 

As at all Montessori levels, the Elementary program is based on the belief that children learn best through movement and work with their hands, and provides cognitive, social, and emotional support to help them reach their full potential.

This includes addressing their needs as they enter a new period of development characterized by a transition from concrete to abstract thinking, growing interest in socialization, thinking and memory that is enhanced by creativity and imagination, and an interest in fairness, social justice, and compassion.

The students are nurtured and grow physically and emotionally while learning traditional academics, including:

  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • Geometry
  • Geography
  • Science
  • History
  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
  • Art
  • Music
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